Practicing Contentment
Practicing Contentment
It doesn't always feel like it but we all have the decision of how we view situations. Every day, each new situation, and every moment we can make the choice to cultivate contentment in our lives.
A friend of mine recently told me that he is working on bringing more contentment into his life and he really inspired me to think about ways in which we can all bring contentment into our daily lives.  

In yogic philosophy contentment (Santosha in Sanskrit) is a very important part of the eight limbed path.  It falls under the limb of Niyamas (observances) and is an integral piece of practicing yoga.   The niyamas are codes to live by and along with practicing contentment include Shaucha (purity), Tapas (austerity), Svādhyāya (self-study and study of spiritual scriptures), and Ishvarapranidhana (giving it up to the greater good).

Sometimes it's very challenging to practice contentment. When life feels like a struggle we often can focus on the idea of "what if" instead or the reality of "what is".  We can become bogged down by our problems and it's not always easy to accept our life circumstances or the actions of other people.

It doesn't always feel like it but we always have the decision of how we view situations.  Every day, each new situation, and every moment we can make the choice to cultivate contentment in our lives.  

Sometimes bringing contentment into our lives is more simple then others so perhaps start with the small stuff.  For instance, if you find yourself waiting in a long line in the grocery store or at the dmv and your mind starts wishing you were somewhere else and doing something else you can start by changing your breathing.  With slow and steady breath as you inhale think "breathing in, I know that I am content" and as you exhale you can think "breathing out, I know I am where I'm supposed to be".  This simple meditation can be done anywhere at any time and although it might seem strange or like it wouldn't work it really does. After practicing this for a while on issues big and small you might find yourself basking in contentment without even trying. 

Remember that we always have the power to change our perspective and find contentment in any circumstance, no matter how challenging it may be.

Hope your day is filled with contentment, happiness and grace and I look forward to hearing about how practicing contentment is working in your lives.

Wishing you many blessings of peace and happiness on your journey and that our paths cross again soon,


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